5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche
We brought the Cast of CUPS' Spring 2022 Mainstage production of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche together for an interview! Get to know the cast as they chat with CUPS' Co-Publicity Chair, Anna-Li St. Martin about quiches of all kinds!
Photos courtesy of Philip Tran
Anna-Li St. Martin: So tell me about your show. What’s it about? What should the audience expect when they come to see it?
Bella Liss (Ginny): People should expect to laugh and have a really good time at Five Lesbians. This is not a normal show in the sense that it’s a just watch kind of show. People should come in with an open mind.
Anna-Li St. Martin: What are some major themes of the show? What things do you think the audience will connect with when they come in and see the show?
Brenna Lutzky (Vern): A major theme of the show is being true to yourself versus portraying yourself how society wants you to be and finding the spaces where you can be yourself and where you find people like you.
Bella Liss (Ginny): On Bee’s note, the show also displays different types of femininity. It explores different ways to present that and that's something that I think people would really connect to.
Cameron Smith (Dale): Also, this show is absolutely ridiculous sometimes. Despite some of the very serious themes that Bee and Bella brought up, there’s a huge theme of just obsession with eggs and I think the ridiculous layer makes it a lot easier to kind of consume as a viewer. But also the layer of difficulty that all of these women are going through, kind of makes it a lot more engaging as a viewer.
Anna-Li St. Martin: What was challenging about bringing this script to life?
Kalea Barger (Wren): I think the fact that so much of what makes this show funny and important to us is the ad libbing and, like, how deep we get into our characters and how we present these really different women. So I think it was challenging to get to a spot where we all felt comfortable enough in our characters to dip into improv in the show and I think we’re still working on that. I know I’m still working on getting myself to that point but I think that's one of the bigger challenges that I’ve faced.
Bella Liss (Ginny): Another challenge we had when bringing this script to life is translating a script written by two men into a queer safe, fem, positive show. I think that we’ve had to do some deep reflection of the lines and words in the scripts and what the story is saying and really conscientiously figure out what we want to say with those words.
Cameron Smith (Dale): Also, this takes place in the 50s with communist threat, so trying to translate a queer, egg-obsessed society with that context was just something that we entirely had to figure out together because obviously, we don’t live in the 50s and we are not in an egg-obsessed society. So I’m just very grateful to have people who are so willing to just be that ridiculous and lean into the ridiculousness of the show because that's what makes it so much funnier and such a safe space.
Anna- Li St. Martin: What is something you would like to say to the audience about this play? If you could talk directly to an audience member, what would you say to them?
Brenna Lutzky: I would say don't be afraid to get involved. The show is very much a conversation with the audience even more than other performances are. So that interaction can be really important.
Nicole Overbaugh (Lulie): I would say, to Bee’s point, you're a part of the sisterhood and you're less of an audience and more of an important piece. The more energy you bring, the more energy we will give. Like, when you step through those doors, you're a middle-aged woman in the middle of America in 1956. We’re excited to work with you all and play with you all and have some fun!
Bella: Keep an open mind!
Mai Marguleas (Wren): I would say if you don’t feel uncomfortable, then we’re doing something wrong. I think that's the point of this, to get you out of your comfort zone, just as much as to get us out of our comfort zone, and for it to be really just, like, a team effort.
Kalea Barger (Wren): Try not to look up the show much before because I think it’s so much more fun if you don't know what's happening going into it. I know I’ve run lines with some friends and they’ve been so upset because it’s, like, ruined some big surprises, so don't look it up.
Cameron Smith (Dale): Again, just interact, interact, interact. It’s such an interactive play and if you just lean in, again, lean into the ridiculousness of this play, you have so much more fun and we’ll have so much more fun.
Anna-Li St. Martin: Now if everyone could go around and describe the show in one word.
Kalea Barger (Wren): Surprising
Brenna Lutzky (Vern): Egg
Bella Liss (Ginny): Delectable
Cameron Smith (Dale): Queer
Mai Marguleas (Wren): Loud
Nicole Overbaugh (Lulie): Quiche-tastic